Romanian Orphans Now and Then
Last week we watched a documentary called Hand Held. It was about a Michael Carroll from massachusetts. Michael was sent to Romania to prove if the rumor about how the city is secretly in poverty, which he saw was the case. Families and the people of Romania in famin. The thing that really took Micheal's attention was the orphanages. Women were required to have 5 babies. Most if not all couldnt afford that, so they sent them to these orphanages. The nurses are giving 2 needles a year and are not able to help the proper way because the scarce supplies. Many babies died of AIDS becasue of only having two needles. This effected michael so much that he was taking pictures left and right to prove the poverty of the country. As he got back home he wanted to do something to help these children. Many people ended up donating clothing and toys. Alot of the workers at the orphanages would take the clothes for their own family in need. These orphans were in metal cribs looking up just wanting to be held and loved. Michael got easily attatched to one of the kids on one of his visits back and decided he wanted to adobt the little boy. Later finding out he was diagnosed with aids. He was crushed. Around 700 to 900 children are being adopted from Romania out of the 1200 to 1400 available for adoption. The organization is still around today to help these children. Michael Carroll is an amazing photographer, also an incredable person. Going out of his way, risking many things to help the thousands of children in need. The president at the time of poverty told the world that Romania was doing amazing and they were discovering all of these technological advances.People didnt even pay any attention to this place. They heard it was doing so well. For the few people that visited there was telling people how bad it atually was. Michael was the first to have proof and do something about it. He made a amazing change in such a positive way. He is a hidden hero, that's what i like to call him at least. Now Romania has a better standing then it did 15 - 20 years ago. They are very lucky to have Michael go to their country and have such a kind heart. Things are slowly but surley getting better for romania and better conditions for the orphans. Supplies being donated like needls, bottles, medicines, and doctor books. Everything could of been different if Michael Carroll didn't agree to go do this job. He will be forever a hero to Romania and an amazing hero in all eyes that know him. The title is perfect for this movie because Romania needed a hand to hold, hope, and Michael was the the hope that held it's hand.
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